Shopify App

content-shape UPL Live Analytics

Awesome shopify app that provides live visitor activity and shopping cart data with live updates. Track updates as they are happing in real time.

  • 3-day trial,
  • USD 5 - every 30 Days ,
  • Cancel anytime
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Get detailed view of your visitors

Track your visitors activity and understand how they are navigating through your store get real time updates about shopping carts....

Get live updates about shopping cart i.e. items in cart and value of carts and discounts.

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Get real time updates about how visitor is browsing you website i.e. viewing page, product, adding and removing items from cart etc.

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We perform various check on live data to get customer information for you.

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Why to use our awesome “UPL Live Analytics” app for your shopify store?

UPL Live Analytics provides detailed information about your store visitors. With our simple to understand analytics data you will get better idea about how customers are navigating through your store what are important sections of your shopify store. Our app helps solve the mystery about what is the cart, what is the value of cart, who is the customer. All this data will help you make better decisions to target customers.

01. Easy to understand

Easy to understand analytics data structure. No complicated data.

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02. 3 Days - Free Trial

Try our app with 3 Days free trial to check whether it meets your need.

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03. Best Features

Get detailed information on shopping cart with early customer detection tool.

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04. 30 Days Data Storage

We process lots of small details about live visits and shopping carts and store them for 30 days. We combine live visitor data with stored data to give you full picture of your visitor activity from first visit to placing an order.

05. Our Commitment

We are committed to make app more and more usable and helpful to merchants by implementing new features and updates.

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